
Yes, You DO Bring Value

I spent the last week masterminding and learning from brilliant business leaders. How blessed am I to have in my home at arm’s reach Business Strategist Shelly Rice and Branding and Marketing Advisor Carol Smith. The purpose for this gathering of brilliance was to attend a two day event, the Sought After Speaker Summit led by another amazing woman: Caterina Rando.

selfworth, your value, feeling alone, business partners, business value, swimming with the sharksThere were a few moments that I wondered to myself, and out loud, “What value could I, as a graphic designer, possibly bring to these powerful business leaders?” I have never worked for HP and implemented marketing plans that paved the way for other corporations. I’ve never built a nationally recognized company through events across the nation. And I questioned my worth and place in the group: I am a graphic designer. I am gaining TONS of advice from them. What exactly do they gain from me? Even writing this I get tears in my eyes, because I want to give back to them what they generously gave to me. I wanted to give powerful light-bulb moments and hear the words “Oh that’s a great idea, Alicia! Thanks!” Words I seem to say over and over to them because they are always turning on a light-bulb in my business strategy.

Fortunately, my friends took time with me and explained that I have my own value, my own brilliance. Even though I have a successful one-person agency and in the process of building a power-house business, I do not have the business experiences they have to impart strategy advice on their level. I do have stellar graphic design skills and develop professional business images for clients, of which they have no knowledge. So, I DID bring value to the group, not just because I’m funny and cute, but because of what I already do. I would give them the world if I had it, but I only have so much to give and it IS of value. And there was no doubt in their mind. I’m so glad I learned this sooner than later.

If you are struggling with “fitting in” or questioning your value to the group, stop it! You DO bring value! Want proof? Ask those you admire and respect for feedback on your value. You will operate with a totally new and positive perspective. And if you do not get the feedback you need? MOVE ON! Because you DO have value! Surround yourself with people who recognize it and will do anything for you to promote it. Because YOU HAVE VALUE and should share it with the world!

Alicia White is the CEO of Back of the Room Productions, home of the Speakers Briefcase™, Authors Briefcase™, and The Speaklet™ and North America's first Back of the Room Branding and Marketing Materials Provider. Copyright 2013.


  1. Sometimes it is the new, unexperienced person who has the best out-of-the-box thinking in a group. In addition, you have an awesome imagination which is probably why you are such a great graphic designer!

    1. Thank you, Debi! I appreciate your kind words and comments!
