

Well, I have a lot to say but have not taken the time to write it down. So to get me moving along and hopefully you as well, I would like to share the following blogging tip I posted on SpeakersBriefcase on Facebook :

Speakers Briefcase Blogging Tip

Having difficulty writing your next blog article?

The next time you are thinking about a recent experience that taught you something or how to improve your response/action, get a recorder and record everything out loud that you are saying in your head? For smart phones, find the application Dragon Dictation (it's FREE) and record your thoughts. The app will transcribe the words for you and you c
an save it as a file or email it to yourself. (Note: It's not the best transcriber but it gets the job done.) Once you get to your recording, you now have enough content to flesh out and create a blog article.

Don't want to write on yourself or your experience? Every time you see a Facebook post or article that makes you go "hmmmm" write about it. It doesn't have to be long, your blog article just has to have value, or teach or inform or make others go "hmmmm."

Reply with your blog link here so we can see what's on your mind!

Alicia White is the CEO of Back of the Room Productions, home of the Speakers Briefcase™, Authors Briefcase™, and The Speaklet™ and North America's first Back of the Room Branding and Marketing Materials Provider. Copyright 2012.

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